Simply put, metabolism includes all things your body does to turn food into energy. Age, sex and genes are major components that generally determine whether your metabolism is fast or sluggish. Metabolism is the rate at which a person burns energy, and this is measured in calories. And, the one thing that helps your metabolism gain speed is exercise. In fact, the effect of exercise lasts long after you are done with your routine to promote better health in many ways.
As you age, the importance of exercise actually increases because with the years, you tend to lose muscle mass, and this slows down your metabolism. Starting at about 25, the average and not physically active person’s metabolism, declines between 5-10 percent per decade, but for those who are physically active the decline rate is 0.3 percent per decade. A combination of cardio and weight training provides effective protection against drop in metabolism. Below are a few tips that are proven to help:
- a training helps build and strengthen muscle. Work out with weights 2-3 times a week.
- Interval training revs up your metabolism and the effect stays up to 48 hours after you are done. Done right, interval training can be nine times more effective than traditional cardio.
- Eat small and often. Aim for 4-5 small meals through the day. Eating like this provides a steady flow of energy, minimizes cravings, and reduces your tendency to overeat.
- Include protein in every meal. Foods high in protein boost the metabolism due to the thermic effect which essentially means that your body has to expend more calories to digest proteins than carbohydrates and fat. Lean meat, fish, chicken, eggs, raw nuts, hummus are all good.
- Add a little spice to your food. Chilli, turmeric and cinnamon can temporarily increase the metabolic rate. Spices raise the body temperature and aid the body’s fat burning process. Note: overload is never good.
- Three cups of green tea a day can increase metabolism by up to 10 percent. Look for quality products.
- Drink more water. Spread your water intake through the day to obtain a steady metabolism boost. 2-3 glasses every hour. The need for water varies in individuals, so it is important that you feel good.
- Stay active. Take up regular exercise. Take several short brisk walks through the day. Take the stairs as often as you can. People on the go consistently through the day can add 20 percent energy expenditure over a day.
- Never force yourself to do anything that does not feel right. Slow and steady progression is the way when taking up new habits.
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