Dikesh Malhotra

President & CEO, IMS Group and Entrepreneur


Having a child is extremely important to me because family is at the centre of my whole existence. I truly believe that everything we do in life is by and large for the people who love and surround us. Having children not only means loving and taking care of them but allowing ourselves to grow as individuals too. My children have taught me so much and allowed me to refresh my lenses and see the world a little differently. They have instilled in me more responsibility towards the future generation, refocused my attitude towards life, and helped me find joy in the little things too. Having children has made my purpose of living more meaningful.

While parenting isn’t always easy, it is in the challenges that we dig deeper to find more patience, more resilience, and more affection. Seeing how much influence my actions have on these tiny humans, makes me want to consciously do better.

Parenthood has been an immensely fulfilling journey for me and while it might not be everyone’s path, I t leaned towards this and I am glad I chose to take it on as young as possible, and now I get to enjoy many life moments with my kids and family.

Sabin Man Shrestha

Sales Manager, Hyatt Place Kathmandu


In my opinion, having a child is very important. It takes both husband and wife to the next stage of life. Having a child together can be a deeply fulfilling and enriching experience, which brings them closer. Children have a way of seeing the world with fresh eyes and bringing new perspectives to a family. Though I don’t have a child right now, I do have a nephew and niece, and whenever they come to my home and I see them playing, the way they talk, their mischievousness gives me so much happiness. Their innocence, mischievousness, curiosity, and creativity can inspire joy, which teaches both the parents and the child at the same time.

Caring for and raising a child is a tough job that gives parents a sense of responsibility and direction in life. It can challenge them to develop new skills, perspectives, and priorities, which can lead to personal development. The bond between parents and child during early childhood is very important for healthy emotional development. Building up trust and communication with the child is essential for understanding each other’s feelings and perspectives. Parents are the ones who serve as vital role models for their children, influencing their behaviour, attitude, and values through their actions and interactions.

Further, having a child means continuing the family legacy and passing on the values, beliefs, and traditions to the next generation. I continued my family traditions and norms that my grandparents and parents taught me. Call me old-fashioned, but I will teach my children as well in the future. It creates a new experience and memories that bring children and parents closer.

Sabir Bade Shrestha ACCA

CEO, Citizens Capital

“Care about your children. Just bless them instead of worrying, as every child is the little Buddha who helps his parents grow up.” I read somewhere this quote by Buddha. It stands true  for me. Before my son, Adhyaan, was born, like many men who were yet to have a child, I used to just have a general perception, a theoretical ‘it must be like’, and zero experience of parenthood. The perception was limited, it felt that it must be wonderful to have a cute little human being of your own, someone to carry the baton, a lineage, someone who will carry on some proof of your biological existence in them and future generations’ existence in the world. However, now, after three and a half years of first-hand parenthood experience, I often laugh at the old me at how naïve I was to be so limited in my imagination of what changes parenthood would bring in me.

I recall the first few weeks being a mix of duties to take care of the newborn as well as pausing to pinch myself to check whether it was a dream and gleefully finding out that it wasn’t. As he grew older, I discovered myself relishing each stage of his growth with wonder, awe, and delightfulness. One of the changes I realised in myself was that I was never really a very patient person, and I seldom thought of others before myself. This has changed since the arrival of my child. I not only found myself taking care of details related to him but also noticed my focus and thoughtfulness had sharpened at work and also socially. I also noticed a sheer stream of positive emotions and a sense of responsibility towards my child which has been consistent since the beginning of having him until now. This, I feel, has made my life happier and more importantly, fuller. I am wiser, more hardworking, and more careful because as a dad, instinctively and subconsciously, these improvements came to me, which added to my personality, and somewhere along the lines, I also feel that it helped me connect with my spirituality in a truly special way.

Saurav Rimal

Founder, Karmayog Foundation

Having a child means everything to me. For the past four years, I have been working closely with children in rural Nepal, and it filled my heart with love for them. Children bring so much joy and positivity into our families and communities. They make us happy, and we love spending time with them, teaching them about life and sharing our knowledge.

In my work, I have seen how incredible children are. Even in tough times, families always prioritise their children. They see them as a precious gift from God, and they love them profoundly. To me, having a child is more than just having a little one to care for. It’s about having a source of happiness and light in our lives. It’s about being there for them, teaching them important things, and watching them grow into amazing human beings.

In villages, children are the heart of the family. They are loved and cherished, no matter what. Their innocence reminds us of the beauty of life and teaches us to be kind and loving. Having a child is not just a dream for me, it’s a deep longing in my heart. I look forward to the day when I can experience the love and joy that a child brings. They truly are a blessing from God, and I can’t wait to welcome one into my life.


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