Astrology has experienced a major resurgence among Gen Z who approach it as a fun, introspective and sometimes social tool to better understand themselves and others. Here’s how the zodiac plays out in the Gen Z in a humor-infused way.
Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
The impulsive main character friend who’s down for anything but might forget about plans halfway through. Often tagged as chaotic energy personified. Loves to be “the first” at everything.
Lucky number: 14
Lucky Colour: Cream
The walking embodiment of a hype reel. Think selfie queens and kings and unapologetic spotlight lovers. A Leo Gen Z is often mimed as an influencer who thinks life is a “POV TikTok” moment.
Lucky number: 8
Lucky Colour: Silver
The wanderlust obsessed philosopher who’s probably planning a gap year but hasn’t booked tickets. Known for “I can’t be tied down” energy and funny existential crises on their Finsta.
Lucky number: 17
Lucky Colour: Gold
Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
The soft life pioneer. They are the ones curating their Pinterest-worthy lives, lounging in sweatpants while binging comfort shows. Snacks? Always within reach.
Lucky number: 27
Lucky Colour: Peach
The overly-organised, meme-worthy perfectionist. Think academic weapon TikToks. A Gen Z with the tendency to overthink and has huge respect for Google Docs game.
Lucky number: 20
Lucky Colour: Brown
The “Grindset guru” who probably runs a side hustle at 19. Frequently associated with “business casual vibes” even at a party. Often teased for their emotionally unavailable aura.
Lucky number: 11
Lucky Colour: Blue
Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
The social butterfly who somehow knows everyone’s business. Gen Z loves to flaunt their “two-faced” reputation while vibing with this sign’s storytelling prowess.
Lucky number: 3
Lucky Colour: White
The aesthetic-curation friend who loves a vibe check. Gen Z relates to this sign’s indecisiveness and obsession with keeping the peace, or at least appearing balanced.
Lucky number: 26
Lucky Colour: Pink
The alien thinker with “Main character but in a dystopian novel” energy. Often the first to bring up climate change at brunch. Quirky and detached yet woke vibe.
Lucky number: 18
Lucky Colour: Orange
Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
The overly emotional but lovable homebody. Has “Walking 3AM feels” energy and ability to create cozy vibes.
Lucky number: 2
Lucky Colour: Green
The enigmatic, secretly soft-hearted sign with RBF energy. The Gen Z meme for this sign reads “I am not mad; I am just intense” aesthetic. Likely to binge-watch true crime shows.
Lucky number: 21
Lucky Colour: Yellow
The dreamy artist who might cry at a Taylor Swift lyric. Emotionally complex yet weirdly relatable. Also, the first to send TikToks that “get you.”
Lucky number: 9
Lucky Colour: Red
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